Laundry and Drycleaning

Maytag Homestyle Laundries Franchise Information

Company Name:Maytag Homestyle Laundries

Description:Coin laundry and drycleaning services. Over 1000 stores have been built.

Address: 4101 S.W. 73rd Ave., Miami, FL, US, 33155

Contact: R. Geronimo

Phone: (800) 780-9274

Fax: (305) 264-7312

Established: 1959

Franchising Since: 1961

# Units Company Owned: 1

# Units Franchisee Owned: 1000

Distribution Fee: 0

Royalty: 0 %

Advertising: 0 %

Total: 365000

Financing?: Yes


Other Info:
