Food - Ice Cream

Blommer's Ice Cream/Sam's Subs/Ollie's Ovens Franchise Information

Company Name:Blommer's Ice Cream/Sam's Subs/Ollie's Ovens

Description:side by side ice cream and sub units in food courts of malls

Address: Biss, Inc., 5900 North Port Washington Road, Milwaukee, WI, Us, 53217

Contact: Peter Blommer, President

Phone: (414) 291-7833


Established: 1988

Franchising Since: 1989

# Units Company Owned: 6

# Units Franchisee Owned: 2

Distribution Fee: 23500

Royalty: 4 %

Advertising: 0 %

Total: 40000 - 160000

Financing?: No


Other Info:
